Jason A. Grout // Architectural Design

Third Year Studio // Fall 2018
Completed with Danish Institute of Study Abroad in København Denmark
INTERLOCK Eatery + Shelter is an architectural landmark intended to create spaces for public life as well as a personal retreat for the homeless population of Kobenhaven, Denmark. Based on existing foot-traffic patterns, INTERLOCK is formed to create little hindrance for individuals moving through and around the structure. In separating the components to allow for through traffic, the architecture becomes a physical manifestation of the significant divide between the general public and the homeless population of the area. Added circulation paths to roof-top terraces and sight-lines between structures then serve as physical and visual methods of reunion between the once segregated groups. Taking this one step further, the architectural structure then creates and celebrates community between the public and the homeless populations. It literally elevates this sense of community to the summit of the structure. By not only encouraging connection between groups but also providing spaces for this to happen, INTERLOCK hopes to eradicate the negative stigma that many individuals have toward the homeless population of København.