Jason A. Grout // Architectural Design

// Urban Fabric //
Third Year Studio // Fall 2017
Travers Park is situated in a diverse area of Queens, New York called Jackson Heights. This park reno- vation aims to give the entirety of the 200,000 ft2 site to the children of the area. The ground plane is treated as a fabric material and manipulated to give dramatic topographical changes on which children may play freely. This playful ground ies above grade level, allowing for the, “adult” programing to be placed underneath. The logic of the city is drawn underneath as a large piazza space leading under- ground to two performance spaces and a exible gallery space. While the children play on the rolling hills above, the adults gather in the logical spaces below, only glimpsing the joy of childhood from the curvilinear roof above. Instances of the adult world, like structural columns, puncture the fabric surface and become objects of play for the children above. This project seeks to physically express the complex division between childhood and adulthood.